The stream originates from the north-eastern part of the province, passes through the city and joints to Cüllap stream on the Harran Plain. It is presently dry.

Bridges on Karakoyun Stream

On Karakoyun stream and starting from the west there are Hızmalı and Millet bridges, aqueduct, Samsat (old bridge) Hacı Kamil, Beg Kapısı and Demir bridges. The last two of these bridges were removed by the State Hydraulic Works after a stream rehabilitation and regulation work.

Hızmalı Bridge

It is one of the most beautiful bridges in Urfa. According to popular saying, it was built by Sakine Sultan, daughter of one of the rulers of Turkish Karakoyunlu during her pilgrimage. An inscription on the bridge says the bridge was restored in 1843. Graves of Sakine Sultan and her children are along the stream to the North of the aqueduct. The bridge is in poor condition and needs restoration.

Karakoyun Aqueduct

It is between Millet and Samsat bridges and assumed to be constructed by the Byzantine emperor Justinianus in 525 AD.